May 1, 2018.

Today is the day I embark on another 30-day Nature Challenge.

For those of you who might be interested, this Nature Challenge started as a project spearheaded by the David Suzuki Foundation to encourage Canadians to spend more time outdoors. It was known as the 30×30 Nature Challenge and always took place in May. That project has morphed into “The One Nature Challenge.” It can be done at any time on an individual basis or with a group.

Those of you who follow me on FB, or read my blog, know that I have done a few of these challenges at different times of the year. The May one is a bit of a cheat. It’s not much of a challenge to spend time outdoors when Mother Earth is waking up and stretching her winter-weary limbs. The changes take place so rapidly it’s almost like watching time-lapse photography.

So here goes. I hope you’ll join me on my daily rambles and reflections throughout May.

Baby lupins.

Catkins – my favourite kind of seed pod. So soft and delicate.

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